Personal · Rambling · whole30

Something weird is going on

So I mentioned in my previous post that I reset my computer a couple of days ago, which means I had to reset a bunch of things on said computer. That means downloading some of the programs and fussing with stuff. And since then, I can’t “read all responses” to the daily prompt. Because whenever I try, I’m presented with a grey screen. I thought it was because of some of the extensions on my browser — I use Opera — but nope, I downloaded Chrome and I get the same screen. I suppose I could try MS Edge, but let’s not get crazy here.

And here’s the thing, It’s only the “read all responses” screen. I can go everywhere else on WordPress, but with that screen, it’s nothing but a blank, grey screen. That’s kind of frustrating because I like reading the responses. Even the non-responses. Those are kinda funny. ^_^ But oh well. Either it’ll fix itself or I’ll figure out what’s going on. I mean, I could ask the “happy” engineers for help, but we all know how helpful they are.

I haven’t been feeling well these last couple of days. Like, my stomach has been queasy and I’m all shaky if I stand up for too long. And, weirdly my voice is hoarse. I’ve also been having night sweats. Not fun. I don’t have a fever, I’m just all over feeling meh. I’m still trying to get my exercise in, but it’s not easy. I think it might be the coconut oil I’ve been putting in my coffee int he mornings. The coconut oil that’s supposed to help me feel better. It just occurred to me that all this started when I started taking that. Ha! I’ll stop and see if I start feeling better.

So, it’s been 63 days on Whole 30 — if my math is correct — and I’m doing okay. Other than the whole not feeling well thing. Three weeks of exercising. I didn’t this morning because totally not feeling well. But I’ll be back to it tomorrow. Like, I have no energy at all today. None. Making breakfast was draining. I was supposed to have lunch with my MIL today but totally could not even think about leaving the house. I asked Doug to shop for me yesterday. That’s how drained I am. Now I have to suffer those consequences. ^_^ I love my husband, but the man hates shopping, and just grabs whatever off the shelf.

As I mentioned yesterday, I might start keeping track of my calories again just to make sure I’m eating enough — or not eating too much. It’s definitely frowned on when doing Whole30, but it is something I’m worried about. That, and I totally should be paying more attention to the kinds of food I’m eating. Like the FODMAPs and junk. I’ve been skirting the edges of too many FODMAPs when I eat because the Whole30 is so restrictive I’ve just been trying to fill my plate. An example is blackberries are okay in small amounts but too many of them are high in FODMAPs. So, anything over 10 blackberries (depending on size) is high in FODMAPs. It gets confusing, y’all.

But anyway, I don’t know what’s going on with WordPress and the “read all replies” page. I’ll figure it out eventually. Maybe. Whenever I’m feeling better. Thank you for reading my ramblings y’all. I do appreciate you taking the time. Take care of yourself. I’ll chat at you later.

13 thoughts on “Something weird is going on

      1. Hi again Willow, I see we can still get to the responses by going to any posted prompt response. Under the site names there is the list of tags, if you click on the tag for the daily prompt – 19xx, it goes to the page with all the responses. Hope it works for you too! Have a good evening.

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    1. The night sweats sure aren’t fun, that’s for sure. I have the AC on and two fans and I still wake up sweaty. Ugh! I didn’t use the coconut oil this morning, so we’ll see if that’s the culprit.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, it’s desert here, so no humidity that I’m aware of. ^_^ It’s been a few weeks on the night sweats. Like it’s not menopause that I’m aware of, as far as I know, I’m past that.

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      2. for some reason, this year my blood pressure has been disturbed by either the humidity here in Wash, or maybe pollen or high heat more than usual… who knows

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